Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chico And The Man

Here's an interesting story I came across that is worth sharing. It's about a cat named Chico and a man named Joseph Ratzinger.

After having read it, I've come to reflect on a few things: How God gives man the companionship in animals; how separation from family and friends can be a source of redemptive suffering; the importance of friendships with pets and people because they bring much joy and laughter to those who carry a heavy load. The Pope is human - he goes through the same experiences we all have in life. Have you seen a photo of him watching the movie about John Paul II? Looks to me like he's tired or he's missing his dear friend or both. Check it out here.

Enjoy the story.

REGENSBURG, Germany, April 21 -- When he was a cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI often delivered sermons at the German-language church in Campasanto Teutonico near St. Peter's Basilica, but his most heartfelt talks may have been the ones he gave after celebrating Mass. "I went with him once," said Konrad Baumgartner, the head of the theology department at Regensburg University. "Afterwards, he went into the old cemetery behind the church. "It was full of cats, and when he went out, they all ran to him. They knew him and loved him. He stood there, petting some and talking to them, for quite a long time. He visited the cats whenever he visited the church. His love for cats is quite famous."

The pope loves cats, can't resist Christmas cookies and, three months ago, waxed on about how he dreamed of retiring from the hectic life at the Vatican to enjoy his last years reading, writing and talking with friends. Agnes Heindl has been Georg Ratzinger's (the Pope's older brother) housekeeper for 10 years, and she's come to know the new pope well. She said she often drove then-Cardinal Ratzinger to his house after the brothers had shared Sunday dinner. His favorite foods were Weisswurst -- the traditional white Bavarian sausage -- and anything sweet. She said he's known for trying every type of Christmas cookie at a party. "Oh, he could just talk about anything, really," she said. "He liked to talk about friends and how people he knew were doing. He's a very pleasant man to have a conversation with."

She spoke with him again this week. He called on Wednesday morning, after getting busy signals at his brother's house Tuesday night. "The Holy Father called, and all I could do was stammer, 'So how do I address you now?' He laughed," she said. She said she's glad she heard him laugh. His new job isn't easy, and he'll need to laugh. She said that when he was relaxing, there was never a mystery about what would make him laugh. "Oh, cats," she said. "He loves them." She pointed up a staircase to a wall full of painted plates, each depicting a different cat. The brothers collected the plates together, she said. "When we were on vacation, a cat, a little kitten, would come by, and he'd be giddy, almost giggling with joy," she said. "Cats love him. They always go to him straight away. And he loves them back." Heindl doesn't think he can have a cat living in the Vatican. "He was always content to play with the street cats," she said. "I don't know much about Rome, but I know there's no shortage of cats there." Benedict still owns the house he bought on the edge of Regensburg in 1970, but he visits only a couple times a year. The city adjusted his deed this week -- it now lists the owner as "Holy Father."

On Thursday afternoon, Chico the cat -- perhaps the closest thing there is to The Pope's Cat -- strolled from the shaded arch between the Pope's front door and his garage. Chico belongs to Rupert Hofbauer, who looks after Benedict's garden and home. Georg Ratzinger said he almost feels as if he's lost his brother, knowing that it won't be easy to see him now. "I thought he'd retire soon, and we would finally have a lot of time to finish all the talks we've started through the years. We talked about that, just this Christmas when he was home," Hofbauer said. "He thought it sounded nice, to retire, to take it easy. That's not how it worked out though, is it?"

(CHICO, THE POPE'S CAT by Matthew Schofield, Knight Ridder Newspapers)

Postscript: When millions of people are drawn to the man named Benedict XVI, one can be assured of the workings of the Holy Spirit; that even cats are drawn to him is a sure sign of his holiness.


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