Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Holy Father's Intentions For October 2007


General: That the Christians who are in minority situations may have the strength and. courage to live their faith and persevere in bearing witness to it.

Mission: That World Missionary Day may be a propitious occasion for kindling an ever greater missionary awareness in every baptized person.

Thursday, September 13, 2007



Dear readers, I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. I shall be inactive for an indefinite amount of time but will try to post once in a while. I beg that you keep me close to you in prayer. May the Lord bless all of you in abundance!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For September 2007


General: That the ecumenical assembly of Sibiu in Rumania may contribute to the growth of unity among all Christians, for whom the Lord prayed at the Last Supper.

Mission: That following Christ joyfully, all missionaries may know how to overcome the difficulties they meet in everyday life.
+ Consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary + Click to play "REGINA CAELI"

Apostolic Blessing by Pope Benedict XVI

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