Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pope's WYD Homily

The Holy Father on his way home.

Thanks be to God for a successful World Youth Day. There is much treasure left behind by the Holy Father. One of them was his homily at the closing mass. I recommend slow reading so one can absorb the richness of his words.

Deo Gratias!

Pope Benedict's homily on the WYD mass.

Here is what he says on the Eucharist...

What is happening? How can Jesus distribute his Body and his Blood? By making the bread into his Body and the wine into his Blood, he anticipates his death, he accepts it in his heart and he transforms it into an action of love. What on the outside is simply brutal violence, from within becomes an act of total self-giving love. This is the substantial transformation which was accomplished at the Last Supper and was destined to set in motion a series of transformations leading ultimately to the transformation of the world when God will be all in all (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:28). In their hearts, people always and everywhere have somehow expected a change, a transformation of the world. Here now is the central act of transformation that alone can truly renew the world: Violence is transformed into love, and death into life.


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