Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Soldier, Martyr, Servant of God


Fr. Vincent Capodanno, officer of the United States Marin Corp, Navy Chaplain, Maryknoll missionary, priest, martyr, Servant of God.

What did he do? Here's an excerpt of what took place in 1967 in a North Vietnamese village, during the last minutes of his life as a priest and soldier.
The fighting was fierce, hand to hand at times, and the platoon was in danger of
being overrun. Father Capodanno went among the wounded and dying, giving last
rites and taking care of his Marines. Wounded once in the face and suffering
another wound that almost severed his hand, Father Capodanno moved to help a
wounded corpsman only yards from an enemy machinegun. Father Capodanno died
taking care of one of his men. " - from the Biography of Fr. Capodanno

Learn more about the official cause of his canonization here.


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